New Address, Same Mission – Divine Mother Has Moved!

Divine Mother clinic
Yes, you read that right – Divine Mother has found a more comfortable place for their clients with the same mission but a new address. 

Attention Please!

We are thrilled to announce officially that Divine Mother has finally relocated to a place that is designed to provide an even more comfortable and nurturing environment for moms & moms-to-be like you to embrace their pregnancy journey. This new place holds endless possibilities and promises to enhance the experience with us.

Opening the Doors of New Center

On 25th June Sunday morning at 9:00 am, our hearts overflowed with gratitude as we stood amidst a sea of cherished friends and well-wishers. Their presence, like a warm embrace, enveloped us with love and support as we embarked on a momentous opening event. With anticipation coursing through our veins, we gathered together to cut a vibrant red ribbon, symbolizing the birth of a new chapter in our journey.

What’s New at New Place?

At Divine Mother, we are committed to providing you with the finest care and support throughout your pregnancy journey. To ensure a seamless experience, we have incorporated state-of-the-art technology and modern amenities into our centre. Professional cameras, a large screen, and a microphone have been installed, enabling our trainers to deliver clear and straightforward guidance during online sessions.

We understand the demands and challenges faced by mothers and expectant mothers, which is why we strive to offer convenience and flexibility. Whether you prefer the comfort of your home or need sessions at flexible times, our trained trainers are here to assist you through online sessions. Even if you miss a live session due to fatigue/tiredness or any other reason, you can take advantage of our recording facility, ensuring that you never miss out on valuable guidance and support.

In Addition, Divine Mother, a premier women’s health centre in Ahmedabad, proudly holds the esteemed “Pregnancy Massage Therapy” Accreditation from the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). As part of our commitment to exceptional care, we have designed specialized beds exclusively for pregnant women. These beds are flexible, allowing for easy adjustment and providing uncompromised support, ensuring a seamless and soothing massage experience. 

More Beyond Than Providing Services: 

Divine Mother Yoga Room
Further, we have not stopped yet, In order to cherish your pregnancy you have never before, we go beyond offering pregnancy care. At Divine Mother, you can take participate in a range of fun and creative activities for moms-to-be. From art and craft sessions to fetal brain development games, our one and only aim is to make the journey of 9 months more joyful and healthy for every mom. 

Moreover, the following are some services we are best at offering at our new location that will make your pregnancy journey more memorable. 

– Pregnancy Yoga Classes 

– Postpartum Yoga Classes

– Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Garbh Sanskar Program

– Balanced Diet Program 

– Informative Online/Offline Sessions

We Hope to See You There!

Divine MotherIf you’re one of those looking for ways to have a healthy pregnancy without sacrificing your comfort, Divine Mother has you covered. From prenatal yoga to pregnancy massage therapy to ensuring your nutritional needs are met, we are here for you. Contact our team right now. Our staff will be delighted to welcome you to our new location. Looking forward to meeting you there.