How to Lose Pregnancy Weight? Postpartum Exercise & Workout

postpartum exercise

Congratulations!! You’ve finally passed through your rollercoaster pregnancy journey. Well now, your symptoms have faded away but there’s one stubborn tummy that has no interest in going back which obviously concerns you. No worries, because we’ve gathered quite impressive ways to lose hardhead pregnancy weight as well as some beneficial advice for new moms from experts. So without further ado jump on the article, take out your workout gear and get back to a healthy lifestyle hassle-free.

Postpartum Exercise:

Postpartum exercise is a term considered for exercise or workouts designed ideally for performing after pregnancy. 

It is a  type of physical activity that new moms do to regain their physical strength and fitness after childbirth. It includes light aerobic activities, such as walking, swimming, and yoga even new moms can join a postdelivery fitness program; a combo of improving the fitness of the body & mind.

With such postpartum exercise and workouts, new mothers can easily get back in shape, regain their energy, and feel better about themselves. However, if you experienced pregnancy complications while pregnant, be sure to see a doctor before adding postpartum exercise or pregnancy workouts to your daily regimen.

Postpartum Exercise Benefits:

Getting back on track to healthy living after pregnancy always starts with a postpartum exercise program. A postpartum exercise program can offer several benefits to look after, so let’s take a quick look at what postpartum exercise or pregnancy workouts can offer.

Regaining Strength and Energy: 

Exercise can help new mothers regain strength and energy after giving birth, which is particularly important for those who experienced difficult or complicated labour and delivery.

Improve Physical Health:

A postpartum exercise program can help mothers feel more comfortable in their own skin, lose excess pounds, and improve their self-esteem by lowering the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure which are more prevalent after childbirth.

Reduced Risk of Postpartum Depression: 

Exercise has been shown to lower the risk of postpartum depression, enhance mental health in general, and make new mothers feel happier and more upbeat.

Improved Sleeping Cycle:

Postpartum Exercise can improve the quality of sleep, which can be challenging for new mothers who may be experiencing disruptions due to night feedings or other baby-related demands.

Social Support: 

Group pregnancy exercise classes or workout buddies can provide new mothers with social support and a sense of community, which can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Best Postpartum Exercise and Workout for New Moms:

Happy child poseLet’s jump to a healthy lifestyle today by following top postpartum exercises and pregnancy workouts after pregnancy.

  • Happy child pose
  • Swiss bird dog holds
  • Cat-cow pose
  • Swiss ball glute bridge
  • Postnatal yoga pose
  • Postpartum planks
  • Side plank leg lifts
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Other pelvic strengthening exercises

Expert’s Advice for New Moms:

Following a postpartum exercise program can be an effective way to help your body recover and regain strength after giving birth. The following is advice for  new moms provided by experts to help them follow a postpartum exercise program hassle-free:

Talk to Your Doctor: 

Before starting any postpartum exercise program, it’s important to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can give you guidance on what types of exercises are safe for you to do and when it’s appropriate to start.

Start Slowly:

Your body needs time to recover after giving birth, so it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Begin with light exercises like walking, gentle stretching, or pelvic floor exercises.

Focus on Core and Pelvic Floor Exercises:

Your core and pelvic floor muscles may have weakened during pregnancy and childbirth, so it’s important to focus on exercises that strengthen these areas. Some examples include Kegels, planks, and pelvic tilts.

Be Consistent: 

Consistency is key when it comes to postpartum exercise or pregnancy workouts. Try to make exercise a regular part of your routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.

Listen to Your Body:

Keeping your body in check and not pushing yourself too hard is important. If a postpartum exercise/pregnancy workout feels uncomfortable or causes pain, stop and modify the exercise or try something else.

Stay Hydrated: 

To stay hydrated during and after exercise, it is vital to drink a sufficient amount of water before, during, and after the activity.

Be Patient:

Remember that it takes time to see results, so be patient and stick with your exercise program. Celebrate small successes along the way, like increasing the duration or intensity of your workouts.

Enrol in Pregnancy Yoga Classes:

To get your fitness back on track smoothly, a new mom should search for “best postpartum yoga classes near me” and enroll in sessions provided by experienced trainers. For your convenience, Divine Mother is one of the best women’s health care centres in Ahmedabad that offers pregnancy-friendly services for years.