Pregnancy Symptoms But Negative Test: Am I Pregnant?

Pregnancy Symptoms But Negative test

You can feel a little perplexed if a pregnancy test comes back negative but you continue to feel pregnant. If you feel like you have common pregnancy symptoms but nagative test, your first reaction can be to wonder if the test was inaccurate in some way. False negatives do occur occasionally, yet they are uncommon.

What does that imply then? Are pregnancy symptoms okay if a test comes up negative? To read the entire information, scroll down to the bottom of the page to learn about the reasons for negative pregnancy tests despite having pregnancy symptoms.

What is the Accuracy of Pregnancy Test Results?

When you take a home pregnancy test, you put a lot of faith into its accuracy. It’s normal to wonder if the lines, symbols, or words you’re looking at are correct, especially when rumors of false positives and false negatives abound. All you want is a clear answer: Am I pregnant? 

The hCG hormone can be found in urine and is detected by at-home pregnancy tests. HCG is created by the body following the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, and during the first trimester, its levels rise in the blood and urine. However, these tests may show false-negative or false-positive results and are not always accurate. So, talking to your doctor is always a wise decision.

What are the First Signs of Pregnancy?

The most common & first signs of pregnancy, which are mainly noted during the first trimester are…

– Missing periods

– Nausea & fatigue 

– Food cravings

Mood swings

– Headache 


– Light spotting

– Constipation

– Cramps

Note: These common pregnancy symptoms are mainly shown during pregnancy, but some may find such pregnancy symptoms but negative test as common medical conditions. So keep patience & wait for the right time to speak to your doctor.

What are the Reasons Behind Pregnancy Symptoms But Negative Test?

The feeling of being pregnant despite having common pregnancy symptoms but negative test can be confusing. When you feel pregnant, you may question whether the test got it wrong. If you have symptoms of pregnancy, you may doubt the accuracy of the test. Although, there are several factors that can lead to a false negative or positive pregnancy test.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal Changes

Another reason behind a false positive/negative result could be hormonal changes. Your hormones change throughout your menstrual cycle and they can affect how your body reacts to certain tests. For example, if you’ve been taking birth control pills, then you might experience irregular bleeding. This could make it difficult for you to detect whether or not you’re pregnant.

Too Early to Take Test

Home pregnancy tests use human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels in urine to indicate pregnancy, however, if you test early, you can have undetectable levels of this hormone. Test again three days later if you take any pregnancy test before the day you anticipate your period and the answer is “not pregnant,” as the level of hCG grows quickly in the first trimester. Consult your healthcare provider if your tests are still negative and your period is now late.

Wrong Way to Use

If you’re using a home pregnancy test kit, then you’ll want to make sure that you use fresh urine. Make sure that you collect your urine in a clean container and that you let it sit for no longer than five minutes. If you don’t do these things, then you might end up getting a false positive.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can interfere with the accuracy of a home pregnancy test. Alcohol can reduce the amount of hCG that your body produces. So, if you drink a lot of alcohol, then you might not produce enough hCG to show up on a home pregnancy test.

Other Medicines

Medicines can also interfere with the results of a home pregnancy test kit. If you’re taking any medications, then you should talk to your doctor about whether or not you should continue taking them while trying to conceive.

Things to Keep in Mind: 

We want to be clear that it’s possible for you to have all of these pregnancy symptoms but negative test or you can go through pregnancy with no symptoms. Every woman is unique, and our bodies and the reproductive process they go through are immensely complex.

It is suggested that you wait one week before taking another pregnancy test if you have delayed your period but received a negative result on your first test. If your second test turns out negative but you still haven’t received your period, you should see your doctor for a blood test, which can be more completely accurate.

In addition, Divine Mother offers a dedicated pregnancy care program & fitness sessions for every stage of pregnancy, so that mummas can have a healthy pregnancy from the beginning.