Calcium-Rich Foods for Pregnancy- Must to Have in Your Diet!


Are you pregnant and failed to meet your calcium needs? As you may know, calcium is one of the essential nutrients & minerals a pregnant woman shouldn’t miss out on to improve fetal health. However, there are some mummas wondering why and what are calcium-rich foods for pregnancy and to assist them, here we have compelled complete detail of calcium during pregnancy; from the calcium needs of pregnant women to calcium-rich foods for pregnancy. So without further ado, let’s dive in to meet your calcium needs!

Calcium in Pregnancy

Generally, calcium is widely known for improving bones and teeth health, but do you know it has so many things to offer you as well as your little cookie? Yeah, calcium in pregnancy plays a crucial role in promoting the proper development of fetal bone and teeth as well as preventing chemical deficiency in pregnant women. 

According to research studies, the daily calcium intake of pregnant women has been noted as low. Low calcium in pregnancy or calcium deficiency can lead to serious problems for both mother’s and baby’s health. Hence it is important to give your body enough calcium during pregnancy. Therefore, make sure to follow the list of calcium-rich foods for pregnancy.

Top 7 Calcium-Rich Foods for Pregnancy

The following are the top 7 calcium-rich foods for pregnancy, every pregnant woman should definitely add to her diet.


Milk during pregnancy

Milk is an excellent source of calcium. Drinking milk or eating dairy products like cheese, yoghurt, and other dairy products are excellent sources of calcium. They also provide protein, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients that are important for the growth and development of the baby.

Calcium – 300mg

Serving – 1 cup Milk

Advice- Try to consume at least 2-3 servings of dairy products.


It is one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy because spinach, a leafy green vegetable, has a high calcium content and also contains other crucial nutrients like iron and vitamin C. In addition to lowering the risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery, it aids in the development of strong bones and teeth in the baby.

Calcium – 100mg

Serving – 1 cup cooked Spinach

Advice – Include spinach in your daily diet, consume at least 2-3 servings per week.


Yogurt during pregnancy

Yoghurt is one of the best calcium-rich foods for pregnancy, which is easy to digest and helps to promote healthy digestion. Yoghurt is high in protein and calcium and can be combined with other nutritious foods such as nuts, seeds, and oatmeal. It is safe to say that dairy products, such as yoghurt, are a pregnancy superfood that should be on every pregnant woman’s plate.

Calcium – 300mg

Serving – 1 cup Yogurt

Advice – Choose low-fat or fat-free options and consume 1-2 servings per day.

Orange Juice: 


Fortified orange juice is a refreshing and tasty way to boost your calcium intake during pregnancy. It contains added calcium, which is essential for the proper development of your baby’s bones & muscles. Furthermore, the vitamin C found in fortified orange juice aids in calcium absorption and helps with other pregnancy difficulties.

Calcium – 300mg

Serving – 1 glass of Orange Juice

Advice – Choose low-sugar options and consume 1-2 servings per day in moderation.


Tofu during pregnancy

Tofu is a protein derived from plants that are high in calcium, iron, and other essential nutrients. It is a good calcium-rich food for pregnant women who are lactose intolerant or have other dietary restrictions. Tofu can be eaten in a number of ways, including stir-fry, curries, and soups.

Calcium – 860mg

Serving – 100g of tofu

Advice – Incorporate tofu into your diet at least twice a week.


Almonds are high in calcium as well as other nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, and fiber. They also contain vitamin E, which is necessary for good skin and eyes. Furthermore, eating dry fruits like almonds to meet your calcium needs has a significant impact on fetal brain health.

Calcium – 264mg

Serving – 1/4 cup almonds

Advice – Consume 1-2 servings of almonds per day as a healthy snack.

Sesame Seeds:

Sesame seeds during pregnancy

Sesame seeds are last but not least on the list of calcium-rich foods for pregnancy. Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium, zinc, iron, and other essential nutrients every pregnant women’s diet should have. Additionally, consuming sesame seeds will meet the need for calcium in pregnancy, which improves the overall health of mom and baby.

Calcium – 280mg per 100g

Serving – 1-2 tablespoons of sesame seeds

Advice – Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of salads or use them as a seasoning for stir-fries.

How Much Calcium Do I Need During Pregnancy?

As you may have understood the importance of calcium in pregnancy, how much calcium your body actually needs is yet a mystery. The amount of calcium a pregnant woman should consume depends on various factors like age, weight, health conditions, and so forth. However, to support the growth and development of the fetal skeleton and other tissues, pregnant women should consume 1000–1300 mg of calcium per day. 


Finally, we hope that the above-mentioned calcium-rich foods for pregnancy are beneficial to you. It is significant to note that consuming too much calcium while pregnant can have negative consequences. As a result, speaking with a healthcare professional is crucial to determining the optimal amount of “calcium in pregnancy” based on each individual’s needs.

Furthermore, Divine Mother, a leading women’s health care centre in Ahmedabad, specializes in providing a wide range of pregnancy-friendly services such as Pregnancy Yoga Classes, Postpartum Yoga Classes, Balanced Diet Program, and so on. Thus, walk towards a healthy and safe pregnancy journey today.