Food after C-Section Delivery: Foods to Eat & Avoid

Pregnancy being the most beautiful phase of women’s life is painful at the same time, the phase where women need complete care and assistance; the nutrition should be taken care of before and after delivery. For those undergoing C-section or cesarean deliveries, the mother needs ample rest and a controlled diet. C-section is difficult and can exhaust the mother both mentally and physically. The mother needs to be monitored and good care is to be taken of her diet.

The reason why proper Nutrition is important after delivery

The nutrients not only involve the speedy recovery of the mother but also the baby as the required nutrition reaches the baby through breastfeeding. Breastfeeding being the only source of nutrition of the baby in the first few weeks is very essential which links to the mother’s health and nutrition. The slit abdominal walls and uterus needs proper rest and nutrient for better recovery.

Diet to be followed

A good diet is important for proper digestion and easy bowel movements that do not strain the abdomen. The diet followed should be rich in critical nutrients like minerals, proteins, calcium, iron, and fiber.

Protein, Minerals and Calcium-rich food: Food rich in protein increase the tissue repair and maintains the muscle power cost post deliver, protein helps in the growth of new tissue cells. Calcium strengthens the bones and teeth relaxing muscles they aid blood coagulation and prevents osteoporosis, breastfeeding transfers 250-350 mg calcium to the newborn

Whole grain Food: Pasta, brown-bread, brown rice are some whole-grain foods which should be included in diet releasing carbohydrates in the body to maintain energy level and breast milk production, they are best for the development of the baby, whole cereal breakfast is best for mothers experiencing sleepless nights and irritation.

Iron-rich foods: Irons maintains the hemoglobin content in a body and helps in gaining the blood lost during delivery, iron helps in better functioning of the immune system, items like dry fruits, vegetables are some rich source of iron, 9mg per day intake of iron is recommended for women’s.

Vitamin-rich foods: Vitamins being rich in antioxidants helps in repairing tissues. Vitamins assist the production of collagen that helps in building new scar tissues, skin and ligaments. Vitamins like broccoli, spinach, fenugreek leaves should be added in diet, also fruits and vegetables giving enough nutrients to the mother.

Fiber-rich foods: Constipation seen common in new mothers can be bettered with fiber-rich foods like oats, ragi having high fiber content and a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, iron, and calcium. Lentils, green grams, and pulses should be included for a protein and fiber-rich content.

Diet is to be maintained well during C-section while there are some factors necessary to avoid. After C-section your usual activities are restricted, you should rest as much as possible, it is necessary to know what you eat and what you should avoid. You should foremost avoid stress and concentration of speedy recovery of oneself and proper nutrition of the baby as they depend on the mother for all the required nutrition.

  • Carbonated juices and drinks should be avoided as they facilitate gas.
  • Spicy foods should be avoided as it causes gastric troubles and the baby might get a flavor of which in the milk.
  • Alcohol should completely be avoided as it interferes with the mother’s ability to breastfeed and impairs the development and growth of the baby.
  • Avoid the consumption of caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee, as the hampers baby growth.
  • Stay away from food-producing gas like bean, pickles, broccoli, onions, cauliflower, cabbage, ladyfinger, etc.
  • Cold and uncooked food should be excluded.
  • Fast food, fried and fermented should be avoided completely.
  • Ghee and rice should not be on the list for the first few days of c-section.

The post-C-section delivery time is the most challenging and beneficial for both baby and mother, your food intake completely aids to your health, well-maintained food should be a part of your diet which will help recuperate you from surgery keeping you and your baby healthy.

Divine Mother provides specially created Post Delivery Fitness Program. Contact to know more.