How to Maintain Healthy Posture During Pregnancy? 4 Yoga Poses

healthy posture during pregnancy

It’s important to maintain a healthy and comfortable posture throughout your pregnancy, whether you’re sitting, standing, or sleeping. Poor posture can lead to back pain, pelvic pain, and issues with blood circulation. And if you’re one of those who complains about pain and discomfort when getting out of bed or sitting in a chair, we understand how painful it is for you. In light of this, we have done extensive research and discovered efficient strategies to enhance yoga posture during pregnancy. Spoiler alert: we also suggested the ideal yoga pose for pregnant women to keep their positions correct.

Pregnancy Yoga & Posture Improvement

As there’s no secret that pregnancy yoga has several benefits to offer, Whether you are dealing with weight gain issues or physical discomfort like back pain; practising pregnancy yoga poses may never fail to impress you with results. 

Pregnancy yoga is an effective way to improve posture, as pregnancy yoga for pregnant women focuses on strengthening exercises and stretches that can target the core muscle supporting good postures; resulting in maintained healthy posture during pregnancy.

In addition, practising yoga poses that engage the core, open the chest and shoulders, and are spin-aligned, helps strengthen the muscles necessary for maintaining an upright and balanced posture. Furthermore, adding regular yoga practice to your daily regimen will not just help you maintain a healthy posture but also prevent other difficulties.

4 Yoga Poses to Maintain Overall Posture During Pregnancy

Camel Yoga Pose ( Sulabh Ushthrasan) 

Get started with a simple sitting yoga pose, after sitting on your knees, try to bring your hands back as possible then gently start to tilt the back and press the hips slightly forward. Make sure to breathe normally and maintain for as long as it feels relaxing.

Lifting One Leg & Arm ( Vyghrasan)

Vyghrasan is one of the best yoga poses for pregnant women that helps to improve posture during pregnancy. First of all, start with a kneeling position supported by the hands and knees, ensure the hands are positioned directly under the shoulders and the knees are under the hips. Hold this position for a few minutes or until you feel comfortable.

Cat & Cow Pose (Marjari Asana) 

Cat & cow pose is one the widely spread pregnancy yoga poses, it is mainly focused to improve spinal flexibility and strengthen the core muscles. To begin with, get on all fours then breathe gently while arching your back and bringing your head up. Inhale and Exhale; repeat a few times.

Mountain Pose (Parvatasana)
Pregnancy mountain pose

Mountain pose is another best yoga position to improve posture during pregnancy. To get started, sit with a comfy and relaxing meditation posture, raise your arms and join your hands in the “Namaste” position then keep your elbows straight and ensure your hands are possible near to your ears. Hold for a few minutes, relax and repeat 4-5 sets.

Improve Siting Position During Pregnancy 

For pregnant women, maintaining proper posture when sitting is essential; bad posture can have a number of drawbacks, such as difficulty with back pain due to improper spinal alignment. Therefore, take a look at the following suggestions for better sitting posture during pregnancy.

Sitting posture for pregnant woman:

  • Keep your back straight 
  • Find a chair with the proper height 
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed while sitting
  • Choose a chair with a better lumbar support
  • Place a cushion behind your back for more comfort

Sitting positions to avoid during pregnancy:

  • Don’t cross your legs while seating
  • Try to avoid sitting for a prolonged period
  • Avoid slouching or leaning forward
  • Don’t go for the sloppy or too-soft seating surface

Improve Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

Indeed, the majority of pregnant women are advised to relax and get plenty of rest during this time. However, the difficulties associated with sleeping during pregnancy make it even more important to find the ideal sleeping posture during this time. In order to help pregnant women choose the most comfortable sleeping position, we’ve listed various sleeping postures here to give a try or to avoid.

Tips: Sleeping posture for pregnant woman:

  • Place a pillow between the knee to maintain proper spinal alignment.
  • Try to lie on the left side 
  • Go for pregnancy pillow support that supports the spine, belly and legs
  • Prop up over pillows and try to make a recliner position to get gentle support on the back.
  • Everyone’s comfort is different- try various sleeping postures for pregnant women to find your ideal one.

Tips: Sleeping positions to avoid during pregnancy:

  •  Avoid sleeping on your back
  • Don’t twist or contour your body while sleeping more
  • Try to not sleep on your stomach
  • Make sure to not sleep without a comfortable pillow support
  • Don’t overlook sleeping problems


Dealing with poor posture problems; Why not enrol in pregnancy yoga classes? Divine Mother – the best women’s healthcare centre in Ahmedabad, provides various pregnancy-friendly services for moms-to-be and new moms. Whether you want to control your weight during pregnancy or are worried about reaching out the correct nutritional value; get in touch with our team for further details to get genuine guidance.