How to Get Back to Shape After Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a very important life-changing phase In the life of a woman. During and after pregnancy a woman experiences several biological, physiological and emotional changes. One of the most important changes is baby fat. The appearance of women drastically changed after pregnancy.
After the birth of a baby, the mother’s body accumulates a lot of fat, and losing this fat is a serious challenge for most mothers. It gets tough after childbirth to adjust to the new routines. Starting with taking care of the child, recovering from childbirth, taking care of her own health as well as the child’s health, getting back to old schedules and tasks can all be stressful. In such times, losing excess pregnancy fat is a struggle.
Here in this article, we have tried to help you out with postpartum weight loss methods to help you achieve your goals and get back to your old physique.


Take it Slow:
Wait till the bleeding stops, and your body has recovered from childbirth. Don’t exert yourself to heavy intensity activities directly, start slow, and with time build up increasing the intensity level.

Healthy Diet:
The nutrition requirement of mothers change after pregnancy
The general average nutritional requirement of Brest feeding mother is as follows
Calories: 2,2002,400
Calcium: 1,0001,300 mg
Folate: 280 mcg
Iron: 15 mg
Protein: 65 g
Vitamin C: 95 mg
It is advisable to consult a doctor before deciding on a diet.

Stay Hydrated:
Staying hydrated is a very necessary post-pregnancy. The water requirement increases during the lactation period. Always keep a bottle of water with yourself, and try your level best to not get dehydrated during your weight loss efforts. Water requirements increase by about 0.7 to 1 liters per day. It is advisable to drink a minimum of 11 – 12 glasses of water per day.

Experiment with all types of exercise routines:
There is no specific routine and schedule for losing weight. Try all types of postpartum exercises. Walking, Low Impact Aerobics, Pilates, Cycling, Light Weight Lifting, and Aqua Aerobics are to name a few types. Experiment with the types and make a schedule that fits your body type.

Don’t Stress Yourself much:
Relax and replenish yourself on a regular basis. Sleep when the baby sleeps, because as a mother, even your body requires rest. After each workout session, make sure to rest.

Yoga & Meditation:
Yoga helps in quick recovery post-childbirth without many side effects. Yoga and Meditation balance your life increases your energy levels, reduces stress and tension, fights postpartum depression, stabilizes your core and strengthens your body.

Listen to your body:
Post-pregnancy, your joints, and ligaments are unstable and wobbly. Women also experience a separation of abdominal muscles. Don’t push yourself too hard. Listen to the responses of your body and act accordingly. Your weight loss aims should not be built on the sacrifice of your health. Consult a doctor for recommendations and suggestions whenever you feel uneasy during workouts.

Take care of your health:
The health of your baby depends on your health. You must maintain your health and not compromise with it to lose weight. Eat well, Stay Hydrated, and don’t skip medications (if prescribed by your doctor).

It might seem like a very difficult task, and the results might be delayed. But don’t lose hope and keep going steadily, while enjoying the bliss of motherhood.