Pregnancy Without Symptoms: Is That Okay?

Pregnancy Without SymptomsIn some cases, you can be pregnant without experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Approximately half of all pregnant women are symptom-free by 5 weeks, but only 10 percent are symptom-free by 8 weeks. When you have a positive pregnancy test even if you do not feel pregnant (or experience intermittent symptoms), you are probably pregnant. 

There is no one standing by who knows what causes some women to have no pregnancy symptoms, but that doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with your pregnancy. The following is a brief explanation of the reason why this occurs with you & why you are not alone in the process!

Are There Any Common Pregnancy Symptoms?

The symptoms of pregnancy are usually quite common when pregnant women are in the first trimester of their pregnancy, and they are likely to suffer many of these symptoms. The following are some of the symptoms you may experience:

  • Periodic absences
  • Light bleeding after implantation
  • Food cravings
  • Feeling fatigued
  • Pregnancy nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Urinating frequently

Other not very common pregnancy symptoms include:

  • Mood swings 
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings 
  • Nosebleeds
  • Unusual taste
  • Nightmares

The absence of these symptoms does not mean that you are not pregnant, although they are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Additionally, women who are about to miscarry can report that none of the above signs are present.  

Do You Always Get Symptoms When Pregnant?

You may become scared when you do not have any pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester due to a lack of pregnancy symptoms (totally understand that). Perhaps you are not experiencing pregnancy symptoms, but have just missed your period.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, is it normal for some women to feel as though they are not pregnant? In terms of symptoms, it is absolutely normal for some expectant mothers to be able to go the entire first trimester without any type of symptoms at all.

How to Deal With No Pregnancy Symptoms?

How can I know if I’m not pregnant? In case you’re freaking out because you aren’t feeling pregnant, try a few of these things to relax and calm yourself. To make sure you are okay, you should see your doctor if you feel any of the above symptoms.

Take Pregnancy Tests: 

If you are still not sure whether or not the result of the first pregnancy test was positive, you can always take another one just in case. In order to eliminate any doubts about whether or not you are pregnant, you may want to take several tests to make sure you are pregnant.

Rest a Little:

Getting enough sleep and being well-rested is important. There are a lot of health benefits you can receive from going to bed early if you are not pregnant. Additionally, it can improve your health. You can try a number of different things that can help you relax as you sleep, such as taking a bath, drinking milk, and using a pregnancy pillow to support your back as you sleep

Get an Ultrasound:

If you don’t feel pregnant, an ultrasound can validate it for you. During the first trimester of pregnancy, an ultrasound confirms a pregnancy.

Generally, 2 ultrasounds are recommended for women experiencing a normal, low-risk pregnancy. A first test to confirm pregnancy and a second at 20 weeks for anatomy scans.

Take Your Prenatal Vitamins:

In spite of the fact that you may not feel like you are pregnant, it is still very important to take prenatal vitamins on a daily basis. As you go through the pregnancy journey, this can be a way of reminding yourself that you are going through the process and it will also help you stay healthy during this time.

Join Pregnancy Care Program:

Being pregnant is one of the most wonderful yet challenging times in one’s life, which is why staying healthy during pregnancy is vital. It is our mission at Divine Mother to support healthy pregnancies. As part of our pregnancy care program, we offer all-around care, starting from your first trimester until your child is born.

As part of our dedication to your health, we offer a dedicated pregnancy care program for every stage of your pregnancy so that you can have a healthy pregnancy from the beginning.