Thyroid Conditions During Pregnancy: How it Can Affect Your Journey?

Thyroid During Pregnancy

Unquestionably, a woman’s pregnancy is a beautiful period in her life. You can gain mommy experience and strengthen your bond with your unborn child during this lovely journey. Pregnancy, however, has significant challenges. The presence of thyroid issues during pregnancy is one such complication.

What are they, and how might they influence your journey? Can a thyroid disorder during pregnancy result in a miscarriage or premature birth? Here is a comprehensive overview of thyroid conditions during pregnancy in case you have any of the countless questions that are running through your head; Read on to learn more.

Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, thyroid problems are relatively common. They consist of both hyper- and hypothyroidism. When the thyroid gland releases too much hormone, hyperthyroidism develops. When the thyroid gland does not release enough hormones, hypothyroidism develops. Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy is the term given to this disorder. 

Further, since the baby depends on your hormones, which are given through the placenta, thyroid hormones are especially important during the first three months of your pregnancy to ensure proper fetal development of the brain and nervous system. At around 12 weeks, the fetus’s thyroid gland will begin producing its own thyroid hormones. These thyroid hormones have the possibility of causing major complications during pregnancy.

In actuality, untreated thyroid conditions during pregnancy can cause a number of complications, including low birth weight, preterm labor, preeclampsia, miscarriage, and premature birth. Therefore, if you have a history of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, it’s vital to speak with your doctor so that you may be checked before and during your pregnancy.

Symptoms of Thyroid Disorder During Pregnancy

There are a number of symptoms you may experience if you have thyroid disease. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a thyroid condition are frequently confused with those of other medical conditions and stages of life. This can make it difficult to determine whether your symptoms are due to a thyroid problem or something else entirely.

Sometimes the symptoms of hyperthyroidism & hypothyroidism are quite tricky to catch since these types of symptoms are commonly seen during pregnancy. Here’s the list of symptoms of thyroid disorder during pregnancy you should take care of!

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (Overactive Thyroid)

– Nausea

– Fatigue

– Fast & irregular heart-beat rate

– Shaking hands

– Trouble sleeping

– Low weight gain during pregnancy

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid)

– Muscle cramps

– Abnormal separation

– High blood pressure

– Problem with concentration/memory loss

– Hairloss 

Note: Whether you’re experiencing any symptoms of Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism, speak to your gynecologist right away! Because thyroid conditions during pregnancy are able to lead to pregnancy complications that affect your & fetal health.

Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy

There are a number of reasons that trigger thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy, here’s the following list of causes you should completely know & take prevention in advance.

– Family history of any thyroid condition

– Type 1 or type 2 diabetic patient

– Experiencing symptoms of thyroid disorder

– Swelling of the thyroid gland

– Overweight or obese

– Aged 30 or over

Tips & Tricks to Deal with Thyroid Disorders During Pregnancy: 

tips for thyroid during pregnancy

There are several ways to deal with thyroid disorders during pregnancy. Some medications are safe for both mother and child. Others require careful monitoring. Here are some tips to help you manage thyroid disorders during pregnancy.

– Join pregnancy yoga classes

– stay active with a slow walk

– Opt for pregnancy-friendly exercise

– Follow the well-balanced diet plan 

– Speak to your doctor 

– Take medications as prescribed

– Go for a thyroid disorder test

– Add vitamin-a to your diet

Thyroid Disorder During Pregnancy Impacts: 

As mentioned any thyroid condition during pregnancy may consider a pregnancy complication, in fact, thyroid disorders are the main key to pregnancy complications as well. Since thyroid hormones have a direct impact on fetal growth & development, it’s important to prevent any thyroid condition during pregnancy as soon as possible. The following things claim why thyroid disorders are considered pregnancy complications. 

– Miscarriage

– Premature birth 

– Low-weight & overweight baby

– Preeclampsia 

– Placenta abnormal 

– Fast heart rate 

– Heart failure


If you are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms, consult with your doctor right away to avoid any future difficulties and make your pregnancy journey as easy as possible. The divine mother is one of Ahmedabad’s top healthcare centers; the team is completely trained in pregnancy yoga classes and online pregnancy care program sessions. Get in touch with us to make sure your thyroid levels are regulated before, during, and after pregnancy!