Common Pregnancy Problems and Solutions

Pregnancy problems & solutions

A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. With the joy of giving birth to a child come several pregnancy problems or complications. Even a healthy female can experience such problems. While a majority of the pregnancy problems are commonly found and experienced by pregnant women, it is always good to keep your treating doctor informed and updated regarding modifications that you may be experiencing. Here we will share some of the common pregnancy problems which are experienced by a majority of pregnant women. 

List of common pregnancy discomforts

  1. Heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation and your chest accompanied by a bitter taste in your throat or mouth) is caused as a result of changes in the levels of the hormone as well as physical changes that your body goes through during the period of pregnancy.


  • Avoid eating foods that may lead to stomach upset 
  • Eat smaller meals but more frequently  
  • Drink plenty of water. 
  • Try sleeping propped up instead of flat 
  • Eat your last meal at least 3-4 hours before you to go to bed 
  1. Constipation

Most of the pregnant women experience constipation that is caused by the changes in the levels of hormones. These hormonal changes make your digestion process much slower.  Also, as your baby begins to grow, there will be decreased room for your digestive system to work at its best.


  • Include more quantity of fruits, green vegetables, whole grains in your diet
  • Eat a diet that is rich in fibres like pear, apples, banana, raspberries, peas, legumes, etc
  • Drink plenty of water (1 – 3 litres) and fluids like soup, fresh fruit juice (referable homemade)
  1. Morning Sickness

Vomiting and nausea during pregnancy are often termed as morning sickness. This is a very common pregnancy problem affecting nearly all pregnant women. This can affect you at any time of the day and most likely will stay throughout your pregnancy period. 


  • Drink an adequate quantity of water and fluid
  • Try to drink water half an hour before and after taking food
  • Get plenty of rests
  • Try to avoid drinking any fluid in between a meal 
  1. be short of Energy and Fatigue

Again changes in the levels of hormones are to be blamed for this. Most of the pregnant women experience fatigue and short of energy during their first and last trimester of pregnancy. This is a very common health problem during pregnancy. In the final trimester, fatigue is caused due to the extra weight that you carry within you as well as the sleepless nights you spend. 


  • Make sure to get plenty of rests
  • Try to take nap when possible throughout the day
  • Try to go to bed earlier than your usual time
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Try to do some lightweight exercise (with expert’s advice) like yoga, pranayama which may help you to keep energized 
  1. Insomnia

Around eight to ten percent of pregnant women experience insomnia during their pregnancy period. The reasons may be bloating, frequent need to urinate, leg cramps, increased body weight, etc. 


  • Before going to bed try to get yourself into a relaxing routine
  • Listening to calming music, meditation music might help
  • If possible try to get a warm bath before going to bed (keep in mind not to get affected with cold and cough) 
  • Try some relaxing skincare routine
  • Make sure you sleep in a bed which is cosy 
  • Eat a balanced meal  
  1. Swelling

Also known as Edema is caused due to the excess amount of fluids that get trapped in your tissues. As you keep hold of more water at the time of pregnancy, swelling is very common. The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the vena cava and this causes the flowing of blood back to the legs slower, thereby resulting in swelling.


  • Lie down on your side 
  • Try to put up your feet as much as you can
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids
  • Try working out (as per expert’s advice) regularly    
  1. Strange Dreams

A woman in her pregnancy might get strange dreams. This is considered to be normal by the experts. The reason behind this the anxiety a woman may be experiencing due to her forthcoming motherhood.  


  • Talk to your partner or loved ones regarding the dreams
  • Try meditating for half an hour in a day
  • Try reading books, watching your favourite Television shows
  1. Itchy and Leaking Nipples

As your pregnancy progresses your breasts tend to grow too which causes the itching sensation. Leaky nipples are caused by a hormone that makes your body ready for nursing known as prolactin. 


  • Use a thick cream on your nipples to prevent them from itching
  • Avoid wearing the fabrics that make you feel itchier and irritates your skin
  • You cannot stop your nipples from leaking but you can take certain precautionary measures to prevent anyone from noticing them such as wearing nursing pad inside your bra 
  1. Vaginal Discharge

Discharge from your vagina at the time of pregnancy is considered to be normal. This vaginal discharge is known as leucorrhoea. This discharge is thin, white, and milky in appearance and contains a very mild smell.


  • Try using panty liners if you feel uncomfortable
  • Try changing your underwear whenever you feel more wet and uncomfortable                                 
  1. Skin Changes

The changes in the levels of hormones during the pregnancy may result in acne and darkening of the skin. Some females may develop dark circles around their eyes. 


  • It is not advisable to use over-the-counter medicine or cream as that may turn out to be harmful to you and your baby. Instead, consult your doctor for a proper skincare routine to help you prevent the above-mentioned pregnancy problem.  

All the above-mentioned pregnancy discomforts are normal and common. However, it is recommended to keep your treating doctor updated regarding your health problems. If any of the above-mentioned health problems bother you much and make you more uncomfortable then take Divine Mother online classes immediately to enjoy a safe pregnancy.