How to Treat Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

Rib pain during pregnancyThere’s no debate that complaining all through pregnancy is common; whether it’s back pain, stomach pain, or rib pain, the discomfort prevents us from embracing the wonderful nine months ahead. As a result, we have found a few helpful tips for treating rib pain during pregnancy as well as a list of concerns you should be mindful of. So, if you don’t want to suffer from rib discomfort during pregnancy any longer, keep reading to discover some worth-trying remedies.

Rib Pain During Pregnancy

One of the common pregnancy symptoms that pregnant women experience is rib pain. Although it is important to note that early in pregnancy, symptoms of rib pain are not frequently encountered. During the third trimester of pregnancy, most pregnant women start complaining about rib pain. 

But it differs from woman to woman because every pregnancy has its own unique characteristics, including the direction of rib pain, such as right-left side rib pain, and so on. In order to understand how it varies trimester by trimester, look at the following guide.

Rib Pain During First Trimester of Pregnancy:

As we mentioned above, there are thin chances of encountering rib pain during early pregnancy, but if you are one of those 1 % sufferers – the hormonal changes are one to be guilty. In early pregnancy, hormonal changes occur as the body starts preparing to support the growing fetus. These changes are prone to relax and loosen the ligaments and muscles to relax which can eventually lead to rib pain during pregnancy.

Rib Pain During Second Trimester of Pregnancy:

Whether you are experiencing rib pain on the right or left side, it feels the same as you move through the first trimester of pregnancy.  However, the hormonal changes are effectively managed, and you did a great job getting your body used to the other common symptom. Moms-to-be, buckle up the ride is not over yet. Your fetus is on the verge of becoming a tiny pumpkin because as it grows, your uterus pushes up against your diaphragms and rib cage, which causes uneasiness and kicks off rib pain. 

Rib Pain During Third Trimester of Pregnancy:

Earlier pregnancy period, you just experience a few flutters, but at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, your baby is getting more active and striving to become a taekwondo master showcasing his kicking & punching skills. Which may excite you sometimes and sometimes trigger discomfort if pressure is too high, triggering rib pain during pregnancy.

What are the Symptoms of Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

Since the rib pain symptom is only a painful sensation in the rib area, there isn’t much more to be known about it, but there are some cases where other symptoms may be seen. Take a look at the following indications and symptoms of rib pain during pregnancy.

– Sharp & Stabbing pain in the ribcage area or abdomen for a shorter time.

– Deep breathing or coughing triggering rib pain

– Swelling or inflammation around the rib area

– Pain that travels through the back or shoulder

– It usually felt on one side.

What Causes Rib Pain During Pregnancy? 

There are several main reasons why pregnant women experience rib pain, and some of these can make the symptoms even worse. Have a look!

– Hormonal changes 

– Growing baby

– Stretching & loosing muscles

– Expanding uterus

– Acid reflux 

– Baby’s position

– Increased pressure from the uterus

– Poor body posture

– Lack of proper support 

– Sitting/Standing for a long period

How to Get Relief From Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy massage therapy

Why suffer when you can get relief from rib pain during pregnancy? We have listed some effective ways to treat rib pain during pregnancy. Try it now.

– Go for loose & breathable maternity clothes.

– Take a warm bath to reduce swelling.

– Enroll in pregnancy yoga classes to lose ligaments and muscles.

– Book an appointment for pregnancy massage therapy to relax your muscles.

– Follow a balanced diet program to prevent acid reflux trouble.

– Try to switch your position to put less pressure on the ribs.

– Explore adjustable and comfortable belly support options.

How to Sleep With Rib Pain During Pregnancy? 

We all know how difficult it can be to sleep or rest when triggering rib pain is present. For that reason, here are some quick tips to make your sleep more comfortable and relaxing. Have a look! 

– Use pillows for support

– Prop yourself up to uplift your upper body

– Sleep on the opposite side of the pain (Left or right)

– Practice relaxation techniques 

– Find a comfortable position

– Take doctor-prescribed painkiller

Concerned Factors of Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

The following are some concerned factors to keep in mind and call your doctor without further getting late to not be surprised by any unfortunate outcomes.

– Highly severe pain 

– Difficulty breathing 

– Extreme fever

– Excessive nausea & vomiting

– High blood pressure – Preeclampsia

– Heartburn 

– Pain occurring in the upper right abdomen

Last Verdict: 

We hope you have found the most effective way to prevent rib pain during pregnancy and have a complete understanding of causes & concerned factors. So if you witness anything that concerned you during pregnancy; don’t hesitate to call your doctor and get the right treatment. 

Moreover, the divine mother is one of the leading women’s health care centres in Ahmedabad, guiding new moms and moms-to-be to get healthy & safe pregnancy journeys. So if you are one of those dealing with rib pain – get in touch with our team to take complete advantage of our special offerings like pregnancy yoga classes, pregnancy massage therapy sessions, customized balanced diet programs, and so forth.