Exercise: Its Pros and Cons During Pregnancy

The most beautiful feeling in the world is to become a mother. There were times when a woman was confined to her home when she was pregnant. However, with times changing and modern advancements in the world, pregnancy is not considered as a time for confinement or just sitting idle. The tell tales of grandmothers are over and a new approach during this term is being adopted by women.

Advantages of exercise during pregnancy:

  1. Of course, indulging in exercises during this time will depend on the level of fitness for the mom to be, and also in which trimester she is in. The gym is the best place to be in when pregnant. If cardio or strength is not comforting then you can certainly try out anything else. Exercising during pregnancy will definitely eliminate to a level constipation and aches. Will give you proper sleep along with cutting down on the risks of gestational diabetes.
  2. Good workout habits will keep you along with your baby healthy by keeping you calm and catering to your mood swings during the time of pregnancy due to the massive escalation of estrogen and progesterone in your body.

Does exercise harm your baby?

The age-old mythology that has come down through this time that exercisers who are pregnant do have to worry regarding miscarriage. This is so false and fabricated that strenuous exercise causes harm to the baby. Though there is no real evidence that leads to it. However, in early pregnancy, it is safe to remain hydrated at all times and outdoor exercise must be avoided during the heat of the day along with the getting tired so that you are unable to speak. Strenuous exercise will never hurt the baby, what it will do is that it will make you tired more easily as the volume of the blood doubles during the time of pregnancy, and your heart requires to work harder in order to push the blood around, including circulating it through the placenta.

How will you feel?

Now pregnancy is not the time for pushing yourself to the maximum limits. However, it is alright to go out of the way and push it to the way so that your heart rate gets pumped up with those exercises of cardiovascular. Although the heart rate of 140 is often proper, there is no precise number that you can target for. You might also feel a bit less balanced when you exercise during pregnancy.

The warning signs while working out:

Pregnant women who are in the habit of exercise must be in the lookout and monitor those early signs of problems that can be potential, as it requires to be kept in mind that if something is wrong then it is not to be considered that exercise is the reason behind it. Rather, exercise can provide that extra stress that brings the problem to the forefront. Stop your exercises immediately and contact the doctor immediately if by any chance you see:

  1. Bleeding of the vagina
  2. Cramps of the abdomen
  3. Extreme headaches
  4. Nausea that is excessive
  5. Lightheadedness

Watch out, that you are not dehydrated that can cause contractions of the uterine, or in the worst case of all lead you to labor prematurely. Eight to nine cups of water is recommended during the term of pregnancy on an average, this fluid requires to be adjusted for the intensity and time of the workout.

Exercises that can be done during pregnancy are:

  1. Pilates: these will support and maintain the muscle tone of the abdomen that will provide support to your growing belly, curtail on the back pain and give you energy during labor. But it is intelligent to opt out of the math classes, as there are many things that are done lying on the back.
  2. yoga: prenatal yoga not only provides for the strengthening of the core but also facilitates flexibility, that emphasis on the breathing along with meditation to usher in that sense of calmness during this time.
  3. Water aerobics: it is a favorite during the third trimester in pregnant women the joints in your body are happy and all you require is to wear your aqua shoes so that you do not slip to the bottom of the pool.
  4. Cardio and strength related exercises can be taken in moderately as according to your comfort