How To Do Pregnancy Yoga For Second Trimester

As your pregnancy enters the second trimester, you will exhale a big sigh of relief. After going through the first stages of pregnancy, this is known as the golden phase. Morning sickness has subsided, and the belly has begun to reveal the existence of a developing life inside it, thus the majority of pregnant women are at rest at this point. If you haven’t begun pregnancy yoga classes yet, this is a great time to start. Garb sanskar classes will  help you regain the energy you lost during a few months of pregnancy and prepare you for the remainder of the adventure.

Yoga Tips for the Second Trimester

  1. Be gentle with yourself and respect the boundaries of your body. Now that your joints are loosening up, walk into yoga poses gently and cautiously. Only hold positions for as long as you feel comfortable. Take your time, and don’t overdo it to the point of discomfort or weariness.
  2. Pay close attention to what your body requires. Keep in mind that your steadily increasing belly will have an impact on your feeling of balance. Standing postures should be practised with the assistance of a partner if necessary. Keep a chair or close to the nearby wall, and ensure you have support if you suddenly feel lightheaded or weak. Learn and pick how to alter the postures so that you have complete control over the practise; this will help you to listen to your body and create confidence in your capacity to manage with your pregnancy.
  3. Avoid putting undue tension on your abdominal muscles. Avoid postures like Navasana (Boat Pose) and Plank Pose that strain or put pressure on the abdominals.
  4. Reduce the amount of time you spend on your back. Avoid resting on your back because it puts strain on your inferior vena cava and reduces blood flow to your uterus. It can also induce dizziness, difficulty breathing, and nausea. When lying down, use a cushion or comforters to elevate your upper body. Alternately, restrict your time lying flat on your back to one minute and alternate rolling over onto your side for 30 seconds between each activity on your back. When lying down, use cushions to elevate your upper body.
  5. Pay attention to your stomach. Remember to rotate with your shoulders and adjust forward bends by putting your knees further apart to accommodate your developing tummy. This additional room will help improve stability during standing positions.
  6. Experiment with new methods of practise. Most asanas may be adjusted to accommodate different body types and skill levels. If you’re missing back bends or reversals, ask your prenatal yoga instructor about asanas that will offer you the enjoyment of a prohibited posture while being gentler on your developing body.

Poses: Yoga For Pregnant Ladies 

Butterfly Pose

Fold your right leg and position your right foot as high as possible on the left thigh. Place your right hand on top of your right knee that is folded in half. With your left hand, grasp the toes of your right foot. Gently bring your right knee up to your chest while exhaling. Inhale deeply and slowly lower your knee to the floor. Always maintain a straight torso. Replace your right leg and repeat the process with your left. Slowly practise 10 up and down movements each leg.

Cat Stretch 

Come to your hands and knees, palms shoulder-width apart below your shoulders, knees hip-width apart below your hips. This is your starting point. Inhale as you raise your head and gradually arch your spine towards the floor. Exhale by bringing your chin to your chest and softly arching your spine upward. Repeat 5-10 times more. Take cautious not to overextend yourself.

Frog Pose

Take a seat at Vajrasana. Separate your knees as much as you can while keeping your toes on the floor. Allow the hips to rest on the floor by separating the feet just enough. Separate the knees as much as possible. Don’t overwork yourself.

Take Away

Dr. Anushri and her professional staff are happy to provide pregnancy yoga classes at Divine Mothers. Prenatal yoga is available in Ahmedabad. Return to a slower pace of exercise and discover all of the benefits of yoga has to offer you and your baby when you’re pregnant.