Running While Pregnant: Is It Safe or Dangerous?

Running While Pregnant

Running is a fantastic kind of exercise since it improves your muscles, increases your endurance, and clears your mind. But if you’re expecting, you might be concerned about whether this kind of exercise is safe to do through the pregnancy journey

A growing baby may require some changes to your usual running routine as your body expands and changes. You will be fine if you want to run while you are pregnant as long as you have developed a running routine and have obtained your doctor’s okay before lacing up. 

In addition to learning more about running and pregnancy, here’s everything you need to know about running safely while pregnant.

Why You Should Go for Running While Pregnant?

There are following benefits of running during pregnancy that ensure running while pregnant is not only a safer option for pregnant women but running while pregnant offer countless benefits too. 

To keep you fit: Running while pregnant is not only good for keeping you fit, but it also helps you lose weight faster than walking. In fact, slow to moderate running comes with no harmful traits.

Helps you sleep better: When you run, your body releases endorphins, which help you relax and fall asleep easily. As we exercise during pregnancy, these hormones are produced in greater amounts, making us feel happier and calmer.

Keeps your heart healthy: Running during pregnancy is great for your heart. Regular exercise during pregnancy keeps your blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Staying active during pregnancy also increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your muscles, which means they work better.

Boosts your mood: If you’re feeling down, exercising can lift your spirits. Studies have shown that women who exercise during pregnancy tend to experience less anxiety and depression than those who don’t.

Reduces back pain: Women who go for running during pregnancy will have lower rates of back pain than those who don’t. Exercising regularly can improve posture and strengthen your core muscles, which can help alleviate back pain.

Note: If you weren’t running before your pregnancy, doctors recommend that you don’t start now. You can however try starting an exercise program such as walking or pregnancy yoga classes for a healthy & safe journey.

How Dangerous is Running During Pregnancy?

If you weren’t running before your pregnancy, doctors recommend that you don’t start now, You can however try starting an exercise program such as walking but starting slowly or join pregnancy yoga classes performed by trained experts. Here is a few main reasons why running while pregnant can be a discomfort for non-active women.

Off balance: Due to the additional weight in front of your body during pregnancy, your centre of gravity changes. Because your joints are looser and more prone to injury when running on uneven or steep surfaces or rough terrain, exercise with caution.

More discomfort: Round ligament pain, which some pregnant women experience around their pelvis or abdomen, is another ache and pain. This is as a result of the rounded ligaments that aid in uterine support. When engaging in intense exercise, it might hurt more.

Pregnancy complication: Slow or moderate-level Running while pregnant is considered safe but for some pregnant women who are facing pregnancy complications or going through any medical condition, it’s good for them to avoid any kind of physical activity/exercise. 

Know when to take pause: Exercise during pregnancy, is generally considered as safe offering mamma & little one countless benefits too but some signs imply it’s good to take a break from any physical activity, like running while pregnant, aerobics during pregnancy and so on. Make sure you consult your health specialist before you add anything new to your daily lifestyle.

What are the Warning Signs to Consider When Running While Pregnant?

headache during pregnancy

As we’ve come to the point that running during pregnancy overall has no harm to the baby or mom. However, there are few warning signs you should consider when running while pregnant; don’t dare to ignore if you found one consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Signs You Should Stop Exercise/Running During Pregnancy:

– Headache

– Shortness of breathe

– Vaginal bleeding

– Nausea & dizziness

– Calf pain or swelling

– Muscle weakness

– Other pregnancy discomforts

What’s in the Conclusion?

In conclusion, running during pregnancy has no harm on the mom or foetal health. However, consulting a health specialist is the best thing to do to avoid any kind of complication. 

In fact, some may have advised against engaging in any physical activity or exercise while pregnant due to the possibility of pregnancy complications or any other type of medical condition. In this case, it is best to refrain from exercise and concentrate on getting complete rest or you can enrol in pregnancy yoga classes.

If you’re searching for the best pregnancy yoga classes in Ahmedabad, Divine Mother has got your back. The team of skilled and trained trainers are never going to let you down while ensuring make your pregnancy journey as safe & healthy as possible.