What Kind of Exercise is Safe for Moms-to-be? Stay Active During Pregnancy!

Safe Exercise During Pregnancy

Pregnant women may wonder if exercise is even safe during pregnancy and what movements they shouldn’t do. Whether you worked out regularly in the past or didn’t exercise at all before pregnancy, you may have a lot on your mind. In a world where family and friends conflict and influencers promote unsafe prenatal exercise practices, finding unbiased prenatal exercise guidelines can be challenging.

Hence, we are here to answer all your questions about whether staying active during pregnancy is a good or bad idea, as well as some fun exercises for pregnant women. For more information, read on!

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy: Why Give a Try!

Exercise during pregnancy is not only good for your physical health, but also for your mental well-being. In fact, studies have shown that exercise during pregnancy can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and even increase birth weight. Here are some reasons why you should consider exercising during pregnancy.

Strengthening bones

Boosting immunity

Weight management 

Reduce morning sickness 

Relief from body-pain

Lowering Cholesterol 

Better sleeping quality

Prepare for labor & birth

Exercise During Pregnancy: Is it Safe or Not?

In short, yes & no, both rely on what kind of exercise you’re doing since some activities are not suitable for moms-to-be, while other activities are safe and even healthy. Speak to your doctor about what’s suitable for you

The condition of pregnancy is not a disease. The point isn’t to avoid exercise. However, it’s important that you do it safely. Check out these tips for staying active without causing harm to yourself or your baby.

Start slowly: 

If you haven’t exercised before, start out with low-impact activities like walking, swimming, yoga, or stretching. These types of exercises won’t put much pressure on your joints, bones, or muscles.

Warm up first:

Before you begin any type of workout, warm up by doing some gentle stretches, jumping jacks, or slow walks around the block. 

Listen to your body

Your body knows how much it can handle. If you feel tired, sore, or dizzy after a certain amount of time, stop. Don’t push yourself past the point where you feel uncomfortable.

Take breaks

When you’re working out, take frequent breaks to give your body a chance to recover. Stretch, drink water, and walk around.

Be careful about lifting weights

Lifting heavy objects can cause injuries to your back, hips, knees, and ankles. Avoid heavy loads and use proper lifting techniques.

Use proper equipment

Make sure you’re using the correct gear. A sturdy pair of sneakers, comfortable clothing, and a supportive sports bra are just a few things you’ll want to consider.

Stay hydrated

Maintain proper hydration throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.

Get enough rest

It is important for you and your baby to get enough sleep. Sleep for eight hours uninterrupted every night by going to bed early.

Eat well

Eating nutritious foods will help you maintain a healthy weight and provide the energy you need to exercise.

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be able to enjoy the many benefits of exercise during pregnancy. And you’ll be helping your baby develop strong muscles, bones, and organs.

Exercise for Pregnant Women

Must-Try Exercise for Pregnant Women: Stay Active!

We’ve put together a list of exercises for pregnant women that are safe to try, but you should consult your doctor before starting!


Walking is a great exercise for pregnant women. It helps them burn calories while providing them with a good workout. It is recommended that they walk at least 30 minutes per day. If walking isn’t possible, then they should do some sort of low-intensity activity. Low-intensity activities include things like swimming, biking, dancing, etc.


Practicing yoga can help you relax and stretch out. It is a great exercise for both the mother and baby. It helps strengthen the muscles and joints of the body. It also helps improve circulation and breathing.


Swimming is a great way to stay fit and active during pregnancy. It’s a great way to get rid of excess water weight and keep the body strong. It also provides a relaxing environment for the mind and body.


Pilates is a great way to work out without having to lift heavy weights. It is a gentle exercise that focuses on core strength and flexibility. It is a great way to help prevent back pain and strengthen the abdominal muscles.


Dancing is a great way to have fun and enjoy yourself. It is a great aerobic activity that burns lots of calories. It is also a fun way to meet people and make friends.

Stay Alert During Pregnancy: Warning Signs!

In the following situations, STOP exercising:

  • A feeling of chest pain
  • Constant contractions or abdominal pain
  • Having dizziness, nausea, or feeling lightheaded
  • Bleeding vaginally
  • Fluid leaks suddenly or steadily from the vagina
  • Notice an irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Short of breathe


If you’re looking for a qualified trainer who can assist you in continuing your fitness routine during pregnancy, or if you want to learn how pregnancy yoga can benefit you; Divine Mother is your one-stop destination for pregnant women. Schedule your visit today & have a healthy and happy pregnancy!