Tips to Stay Active During Pregnancy

Tips to Stay Active During Pregnancy

Gone are the days, when sitting at home and taking rest were considered to be the best solutions to a healthy delivery. With the advancement in science, through well proven facts and researches, it has been made clear that moderate exercise during pregnancy will give your newborn a healthy start to its life.

Here are some tips to help you during your pregnancy:

1. Talk to your doctor:

This is the first step towards your journey to start a healthy exercise routine during your pregnancy. Consult your doctor and seek his expertise in knowing about your staying active during pregnancy is permissible or not. At times due to medical reasons and complications, doctors advise complete rest but if this is not your case, then you can definitely engage in moderate physical exercises.

2. Start with little warm-up sessions:

You do not have to worry about not being active previously, we advise you to take baby steps in beginning to stay active. You can choose aerobic exercises like slow dancing with music, brisk walking, etc. These exercises are advantageous as they maintain your heart-beat.

Do remember to take little breaks in between if you feel uncomfortable.

3. Drinking water is indispensable:

One of the most important tips that most forget and think it is just a petty matter. We are sorry to burst your bubble, but let’s be clear you need to drink extra water before, during and after getting active. There might be signs of dehydration or dizziness if your water intake is low.

4. Take on Swimming and Cycling:

Cycling at an admissible pace and in the fresh air will help you to improve your blood flow and circulation. Proper blood circulation in turn will prevent blood clotting and make you feel rejuvenated. Just one word of caution- it will be better if you shift to a stationary bicycle as the risk of falling down can be avoided.

Swimming can be a fun sport and can be a top choice for staying active during pregnancy. During swimming, the water buoyancy reduces the stress on your muscles and joints. This makes you feel relaxed and soothes your mind and body at the same time.

5. Practice Yoga and Meditation:

There are certain Yoga postures that will help you throughout your pregnancy. We recommend you consult an expert and take no risks by taking things in your own hand.

Meditation is a blessing in disguise, especially for pregnant women. During this phase most of you will encounter bouts of anxiety and uneasiness, meditation is your one-stop medicine for this. It also helps you with positive labour preparation.

6. Perform small and easy activities:

The idea is to remain active without being too harsh on yourself. You can engage in little actions like working up some easy recipes in your home kitchens, taking your dog out for a little walk, do some gardening, or accompany your elder daughter or son to school. These things will help you spend some quality time as well as stop you from being inactive.

Benefits of staying active during pregnancy:

  • Helps to lessen back pain, bloating, constipation and muscle cramps.
  • It improves your posture and lightens your mood.
  • Increases muscle strength, endurance and stamina
  • Aids in lowering blood pressure and helps you fight fatigue.
  • Gets you a sound sleep.

Contrary to popular belief being inactive during pregnancy can take a toll on both the mom and baby’s health. Sitting idle might lead to excessive weight gain, an increase in chances of getting gestational diabetes, body aches and pains and a lot of other problems.

Thus, exercising during pregnancy is extremely beneficial and will prove to be helpful for both the mother and child. While you perform all these activities please be cautious and look after your safety.