When To Start Exercising After Delivery

Having a baby causes several changes, particularly in a mother’s body. Some changes are transitory and will fade away on their own, but others are permanent and will become the new normal. Weight gain and lower fitness are two frequent side effects that may not return to pre-pregnancy levels on their own, but they do not have to be permanent alterations.

When it comes to losing weight after childbirth, remembering your pre-pregnancy physique and wanting to be healthier for your child are powerful motivators. Whether you’re a fitness professional establishing a post delivery fitness program or a mom creating her training regimen, we’ve got the best advice to help you get your postpartum body back in shape.

Right Time To Start…

If you had an easy pregnancy and vaginal delivery, you should be able to start exercising a few days after giving birth, or as soon as you feel ready. If you had a C-section, major vaginal repair, or a complex birth, consult your doctor about when to begin a post delivery fitness program.

Exercise Is Beneficial For Moms!

Regular exercise after giving birth will strengthen and tone your muscles, improve labor recovery if you gave birth vaginally, and increase your energy levels so you don’t feel as fatigued. It may also assist you in losing weight and improving your fitness.

Exercise is beneficial to your mental health. It can avoid postpartum depression by relieving stress. You’re also more inclined to get outside and interact with others. Don’t panic, though, if you aren’t getting enough exercise. Taking care of a baby may be exhausting, and you may not have the energy or time to exercise as often as you’d want. Try your hardest – even ten minutes is better than nothing.

Returning To Fitness After Vaginal Birth!

You can begin practicing mild pelvic floor and abdominal exercises as soon as a day or two following the delivery. Stop if you experience any discomfort.

Start with a gentle stroll, maybe while pushing the pram, whenever you feel like it. Then, at your own pace, steadily increase the length and speed of your walks. If you can, try to walk for 30 minutes every day.

Returning To Fitness After Cesarean!

A cesarean section is a significant procedure that will leave you in pain for at least 6 weeks. However, you can begin doing pelvic floor exercises as soon as the baby is born. You can begin exercising your abdominal muscles as soon as you are able. Crunches, Sit-ups, and stomach curls should be avoided since they exert pressure on the scar.

After 6 to 8 weeks, you will still be healing on the inside. Walking, low-impact aerobics or cycling are all safe to start. If you experience any discomfort, tugging sensation, or pain on your scar, stop and try again in a few weeks.

High-impact exercise should be avoided for 3 to 4 months following your cesarean. Swim only after the bleeding has stopped for 7 days and you’ve had your postnatal checkup with your doctor 

Quick Tips For Succesful Post Delivery Fitness Program!

Find a fitness buddy: Having someone else engaged in your fitness plan helps increase motivation and assist long-term success, whether you gather buddies for a regular walk, join a group class, or hire a personal trainer.

Stay Hydrated: Hydration is always vital in maintaining a healthy body, but it is more important if you are still breastfeeding. Make sure you’re receiving enough water to meet your daily needs, as well as extra for when you’re exercising.

Get Rest: We understand how difficult it is to find time for yourself when you have a new baby, but this one is extremely essential. You need time to recuperate your body, not just from exercise but also from the everyday stress of being a parent.

Take Away

Divine Mothers is grateful to provide a post-delivery fitness program led by Dr. Anushri and her trained staff. Pregnancy yoga is available in Ahmedabad. Return to exercise gently and thoroughly to reap all of the benefits that fitness has to offer.