Is Weight Training Safe During Pregnancy?

Weight lose during pregnancy

Gaining a perfect shape is a way to live life with a touchwood of good health and tone- the perfect body measurement provides you more satisfaction, confidence mentally whereas it builds up a great reflection of a healthy lifestyle on you as well. Men and women both are tending into gyms and all to cut out unnecessary fat or weight so that their busy lifestyles could be moved around quite easily with them. Often the fastest improvements come through weight training; as it helps to build up the muscle energy quickly and the metabolic rate lifts up with a rush and due to heavy exercise your fat burns quickly as well- so you could face your fit and perfect body shape.

Pregnancy and Weight Training:-

Now here is a big question for the women, that the most important phase of the women’s lives is the period of their pregnancy. Now during this time, the woman’s body goes through several stages of internal changes. As the uterus gets wider, the joints get easier and lose a little bit, the baby sifts itself constantly And moreover, the women have to take extra protein, calories, vitamins, and all to provide the baby good health. On the other hand, the body weight gets increased simultaneously, the tummy grows on. So, below we will discuss the fact that during the phases of evolving of pregnancy is it safe to continue weight training alongside with the benefits and risks.


  1. For the very first stages of pregnancy, weight lifting (obviously not the heavy ones or deadlift stuff) or weight training could be a better way to prepare your body for the upcoming days.
  2. It helps to provide some precautionary advantages as it helps to decrease the probable risk of preterm labor complications. And could help you to redeem the extra pressure and labor pain during the delivery.
  3. A regular basis of a weight management program could be a way to prevent back and joint pains due to the mass gaining stage and improper body shape.
  4. Any type of mild exercise can provide you with mental satisfaction. It can relieve your stress, can help you to feel active or relaxed, and enhance your mood as well.
  5. Through mild activities, the muscles get some mobility, lifting mild weights improves your body posture, the abs get strength and your body could be aligned in a better posture.


  1. There is a critical risk of strains or sprains or weight-related injuries during this period. As the joints, muscle ligaments are loose at that time- a high chance of dislocation cautions are there. Due to lifting heavy weights the lower back could get strained so try to avoid the heavy lifting.
  2. With the growing belly the center of gravity shifts from the actual position, this could be a reason to you to prone due to losing balance and fall while tending to bend your body forward, and this could be a very brutal result for you and your baby as it could cause fatal to the little life.
  3. For repeatedly heavy lifting, your blood needs to redirect through the skeletal muscle to the uterus, and carries more oxygen and nutrient elements to the fetus, it can hamper your stability and trigger severe complications like preterm labor, etc.
  4. The heavy weight lifting can cause you breathless and even make you dizzy, alongside the extra stress could reduce enough oxygen supply to the baby.

Things to Maintain While Exercising During Pregnancy:-

  • Work out with lightweight instead of heavy instruments.
  • Try to do more sets with the light weights instead of heavy weight lifting.
  • Take a break for a little span between every two sets of exercises to recover some time to have back a breath.
  • Don’t go for over-stressing workouts.
  • Make sure that you are under well trained and qualified trainer. Professional should be aware about you while working out with weights.
  • Be careful while doing the bending exercise, you can opt for some kind of supports for safety.
  • Opt for a dumbbell instead of the heavy barbell and do your sets.
  • Stop doing the exercise if your body starts fatigue or starts aching.
  • Most importantly, don’t do all these stuff without consulting your doctor.